The personal data processing policy came into force on May 25, 2018. This Personal Data Processing Policy, hereinafter referred to as – the Policy, describes the procedure in which SIA AvotiBaltprocesses personal data. This policy applies if the Client uses, has used, or expressed a desire to use the services provided by SIA AvotiBalt, or is otherwise related to the services provided by SIA AvotiBalt, including with the relationship established before the Policy came into force.


Client is any natural person who uses, has used, or has expressed a desire to use any of the services provided by SIA AvotiBaltor otherwise related to them.

Personal data is any information related to the Client that can be used to identify an individual.
Processing is any action taken with Personal Data (including collection, recording, storage, requests, transmission, etc.).
SIA AvotiBalt, a company registered in Latvia, registration No. 40003962176, with the registered office at:Riga, Republikaslaukums 3-437, LV-1010, is the data controller; contact information on processing personal data by SIA AvotiBalt:
The data processor is a person who, by the order of the Data Controller processes personal data based on a contract, if necessary for the business of SIA AvotiBaltand complies with the applicable legislation.


To draw up a commercial offer or to reserve an apartment for a Client, SIA AvotiBaltprocesses the following personal data of the Client.
Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period

  • given name, surname;
  • personal identity number or date of birth;
  • contact information, e-mail address, phone number,
  •  social network address;
  •  photo;
  •  declared place of residence. Client’s consent See the section “How long is the client’s personal data stored”

The client of SIA AvotiBaltfills in the registration form on the website or otherwise transfers his/her data to SIA AvotiBalt, giving a consent to that his/her personal data will be processed. If when filling in the form for reservation the Client cannot fill in any of the mandatory windows and cannot apply for the reservation, the Client should contact SIA AvotiBaltat the e-mail address By filling in the reservation form, the Client agrees that his personal data shall be processed and information about the Client shall be obtained from AS “Kredītinformācijas birojs” to assess the Client’s credit history. The legal (legitimate) interests of SIA AvotiBaltand the purposes of processing personal data are as follows:

  • to verify the identity of the Client prior to concluding the agreement;
  •  to value the credit risk before concluding the agreement and during the implementation of the agreement (check the Client’s credit history);
  •  prepare and send a commercial offer to the Client for the use of their services;
  •  inform the Client about the news of SIA AvotiBalt.

Categories of personal data Legal basis Retention period

  • given name, surname;
  •  personal identity number or date of birth;
  •  contact information, e-mail address, phone number,
  •  social network address;
  •  photo;
  • declared place of residence. Consent of the Client when completing the Client’s questionnaire, the rental agreement of the residential premises and the addenda to the rental agreement. See the section “How long is the personal data of the Client stored”.

To communicate with the client (request of additional information, sending an offer, direct marketing, informing about important events, etc.) SIA AvotiBalt uses the contact form on the website, all social networks, all telecommunications connections, including the Client’s mobile phone number, e-mail services and mail.
To enter into an agreement with the Client and fulfil the obligations under the agreement, SIA AvotiBaltprocesses the following personal data of the Client.
In the legal (legitimate) interests of SIA AvotiBaltthe company pursues the following purposes of processing the personal data of the Client when concluding a tenancy agreement for residential premises:

  • to carry on business by renting out residential space and providing the related services;
  • to identity the Client before the conclusion of a contract;
  • to ensure the implementation of the contract;
  • to prevent unreasonable financial risks in the commercial activities (including the assessment of the credit history before the conclusion of a contract and during its execution);
  •  to provide information necessary for the execution of the contract, by e-mail, in social networks, using SMS, contacting the client by mobile phone;
  • aiming at the improvement of services, development of new services;
  • for advertising and distribution of services or for commercial purposes;
  • to serve the Client;
  • to administer the settlement of accounts;
  • to receive and collect debts;
  • to maintain and improve the operation of SIA AvotiBaltwebsite;
  • to keep the Client’s applications for the provision of services, other statements and claims, notes about such;
  • to carry out activities on the Client retention;
  • to design and develop services;
  • advertise own services by sending notification to Clients, publishing information on own website and in social networks;
  • to send other notifications to Clients about the progress of the contract and the essential terms and conditions for the execution of the contract, to take polls of Clients about the services, send information about the social events organized, receive feedback and suggestions from Clients;
  • for planning and accounting;
  • or making reports;
  • to ensure effective processes of business management;
  • to ensure and improve the quality of services;
  • to administer payments;
  • to administer outstanding payments;
  • to apply to the state administration and field investigation agencies to protect the legitimate interests;
  • to provide information to the state administration authorities and subjects of operational activities in the manner and within the scope established by external regulatory enactments;
  • for other specific purposes, about which the Client is kept informed when he provides the relevant data toSIA AvotiBalt.


SIA AVOTIBALT summarizes and processes personal data received from Clients with the consent to processing their data.


SIA AvotiBaltdiscloses the personal data received in the following cases:

  •  to provide information to the state administration authorities and subjects of operational activities in the manner and within the scope established by external regulatory enactments;
  •  to receive and repay debts, including the transfer of personal data of Clients to a licensed collection company;
  •  to verify the credit history of the Client;
  •  placement of the Client’s photo in social networks, on the website of SIA AvotiBaltand the use in advertising of SIA AvotiBalt;
  •  to the authorised persons of SIA AvotiBaltand the Client, if required to comply with the obligations under the agreement concluded between SIA AvotiBalt and the Client;
  •  to partners or employees of SIA AvotiBaltto comply with the obligations under the agreement concluded between SIA AvotiBaltand the Client;
  •  to financial and tax supervision bodies;
  •  for other specific purposes, whereof the Client is warned when transmitting the relevant data toSIA AvotiBalt.


The personal data of the Client is processed for as long as required. The retention period can be justified by an agreement with the Client, the legitimate interests of SIA AvotiBaltor the relevant regulatory enactments (for example, accounting laws, limitation period, civil rights, etc.).
If the personal data of the Client is received to make a commercial offer and after the processing of the personal data of the Client within SIA AvotiBalt, and a contract is not concluded, the Client has the right to demand from SIA AvotiBaltto immediately delete the data of the Client. SIA AvotiBalt deletes the Client’s data within three working days after receiving the request. To exercise the foregoing rights, the Client submits a written application to SIA AvotiBaltor sends a corresponding request to the e-mail address:


When processing the personal data of the Client, SIA AvotiBalttakes reliable organizational and technical measures that properly protect this data from accidental or illegal deletion, movement, disclosure, and other illegal actions. SIA AvotiBaltpoints to the fact that the data provided is transmitted electronically, using the electronic networks of electronic communication service providers, mobile communications, and social networks, therefore SIA AvotiBaltcannot guarantee and is not responsible for the protection and security of the data transmitted in this way. The Client is obliged to take active measures to ensure the confidentiality of his/her data.


  • The Client has the following rights relating to the processing of his/her personal data:
  • If the Client believes that the information about him is incorrect or incomplete, the Client is entitled to demand from SIA AvotiBaltto correct or clarify the Client’s data;
  • The Client has the right to revoke his consent to the processing of his/her personal data at any time, unless an agreement has been concluded between the Client and SIA AvotiBalt;
  •  The Client has the right at any time to prohibit processing of his data aimed at direct marketing, notifying SIA AvotiBaltabout it, and the Client’s request shall be processed within 3 (three) days from the date of receipt of the request;
  •  The Client has the right to object to processing of his personal data based on his legitimate interests, however, SIA AvotiBaltwill continue to process the Client’s personal data if there are compelling reasons for this to continue processing the Client’s personal data in accordance with the applicable law;
  •  Under certain conditions, the Client is entitled to request that SIA AvotiBaltdelete his/her personal data, however, this does not apply to cases when prescribed by law that SIA AvotiBaltwould save the data. To exercise the foregoing rights, the Client applies in writing to SIA AvotiBalt.


SIA AvotiBalt, registration No. 40003962176, with the registered office at:Riga, Republikaslaukums 3- 437, LV-1010, e-mail address:, phone number: (+371) 29541486

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